About the Authors
The Most Reverend Dr. Chrysostomos is a Senior Scholar at the C.T.O.S. He completed his studies in history (with a concentration in Byzantine historical theology) at the University of California, the Licentiate in Theology at the C.T.O.S., and his graduate study in psychology at Princeton University. He has held professorial posts at the University of California, Ashland Theological Seminary, and Ashland University and visiting professorships at the Theological Institute of Uppsala University (Sweden) and, as a Fulbright Scholar in Romania, at the University of Bucharest, the Alexandru I. Cuza University of Iaşi, and the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism. His Eminence is also former Executive Director of the United States Fulbright Commission in Romania.
The Right Reverend Auxentios, Director of the C.T.O.S., is a graduate of Princeton University. He received the Licentiate in Theology from the C.T.O.S. and the Doctor of Theology degree in Orthodox Liturgics at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley.
The Very Reverend Akakios, Abbot of the St. Gregory Palamas Monastery, received his doctoral degree in advanced pastoral studies at the San Francisco Theological Seminary.
About the Collaborator
† Professor Ioannes M. Fountoules (†2007) graduated
summa cum laude
from the School of Theology of the University of Athens and pursued
graduate studies at the University of Louvain. He received his doctoral
degree in theology at the University of Thessaloniki, where he taught theology from 1969–1996. Former director of the renowned Patriarchal Institute for Patristic Studies at the historic Vlatadon Monastery in Thessaloniki, he was considered one of the foremost contemporary liturgical scholars of the Orthodox world. Dr. Fountoules authored innumerable scholarly articles and books on the history of liturgy, on Orthodox
worship, on the festal calendar, on the liturgical works of St. Symeon of
Thessaloniki, and in the area of homiletics.