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The Right Rev. Dr. Auxentios,
B.A., Princeton University
Lic. Theol., CTOS
Th.D., Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
Bishop of Etna and Portland
The Very Rev. Father Dr. Akakios
B.A., California State University
Lic. Theol., CTOS
D.Min., San Francisco Theological Seminary
Abbot, St. Gregory Palamas Monastery
Very Rev. Archimandrite Dr. Patapios
B.A. (honors), Cambridge University
M.A., M.L.S., University of Pittsburgh
M.A., Pennsylvania State University
Th.D., Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley
Lic. Theol., CTOS
Academic Director, CTOS

Faculty and Advisors

† The Most Reverend Cyprian
Dr. Theol. (honoris causa), Orthodox
Theological Academy of St. Martin
† Dr. Constantine Cavarnos
Ph.D., Harvard University
President, Institute for Byzantine
and Modern Greek Studies
Dr. Augustin Ioan
Ph.D., Ion Mincu University
Ph.D. University of Bucharest
Dean of Advanced Studies,
Ion Mincu University
of Architecture and Urbanism
Bucharest, Romania
† Dr. Nikolai E. Khokhlov
Ph.D., Duke University
Professor Emeritus, California State University
† Dr. John R. Rexine
Ph.D., Harvard University
Charles A. Dana Professor of the Classics Emeritus
Dean of the Humanities Division
Colgate University
† Dr. Eugene Zavarin
Ph.D., University of California
Professor Emeritus, University of California
(Forest Products Laboratory, Berkeley)
Dr. Thomas Brecht
Ph.D., University of Southern Mississippi
Alabama Psychiatric Services
Dr. John V. Petropoulos
D.Phil., Oxford University
Professor of Ancient Greek Literature,
Democritean University of Thrace
Director, Harvard University Center for
Hellenic Studies, Nafplion, Greece
John R. Franklin
Juris Doctor, W.F. George School of Law,
Mercer University
Former Assistant U.S. Attorney
Dr. Dimitri Kitsikis
Ph.D., University of Paris (Sorbonne)
Professor Emeritus, University of Ottawa
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
† Dr. Jeremias Norman
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
Dr. Deborah Sirko-Osadsa
Ph.D. (University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine), D.A.B.M.G., F.A.C.M.G.
Senior Laboratory Head and Oncology Senior
Director, Oncology Translational Medicine
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Cambridge, MA
Invited Lecturer in Genetic Laboratory Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA
Dr. George T. Kosar
Ph.D., Brandeis University
Director of Foundation Relations, Boston University
Associate, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University
Instructor, Harvard University Extension School
Dr. John N. Caminis
B.Sc., University of Montréal
M.D., University of Athens School of Medicine
Chief Medical Officer, Senior Vice President
Derma Sciences, Princeton, NJ
Dr. Ernest Hargreaves Latham, Jr.
B.A., Dartmouth College
M.A., Roosevelt University
Ph.D., University of Bucharest
Instructor, Foreign Service Institute,
U.S. Department of State

Research Associates

Very Reverend Archimandrite Fr. Gregory
A.A., Long Beach City College
Dip. Theol., Lic. Theol., C.T.O.S.
The Very Reverend Dr. James Thornton
A.A., Golden West College
Diploma, Lic. Theol., CTOS
D.Min., San Francisco Theological Seminary
The Reverend George M. Mavromatis
B.A.. St. Louis University
M.Div., Holy Cross Greek Orthodox
School of Theology
Serving Priest, Convent of St. Elizabeth
the Grand Duchess of Russia
The Reverend Mother Dr. Elizabeth
B.A., Ashland University
Lic. Theol., CTOS
D.Min., San Francisco Theological Seminary
Abbess, Convent of St. Elizabeth
the Grand Duchess of Russia

Senior Research Scholars

The Most Rev. Dr. Chrysostomos
B.A., M.A., University of California
B.A., California State University
Lic.Theol., C.T.O.S.
M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University
The Reverend Dr. Gregory Telepneff
B.A., Yale University
M.Div., Saint Sophia Seminary
M.A., New Brunswick Theological Seminary
Th.D., Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley

Legal Counsel

Daniel F. Lula, Esq.
B.A. (Yale University), J.D. (Harvard Law School)
Partner, Payne & Fears LLP, Attorneys at Law,
Irvine, Los Angeles, San Francisco, CA

The Cen­ter for Tra­di­tion­al­ist Ortho­dox Stud­ies (see “About C.T.O.S.” on section bar) was estab­lished in 1981 under the aus­pices of the St. Greg­ory Pala­mas Mon­as­tery. It has to date pub­lished over one hun­dred books and mono­graphs in Ortho­dox his­tory and the­ol­ogy and related sub­jects. Located within the mon­as­tery com­pound, the Cen­ter houses admin­is­tra­tive offices, a lec­ture hall, and the Met­ro­pol­itan Cyp­rian The­o­log­ical Library­­­­. A sig­nif­icant cen­ter for scho­larly research in Ortho­dox stud­ies, it is admin­is­tered by a board of dis­tin­guished inter­na­tional schol­ars, who serve as its Direct­ors and Advis­ors.


Abba Dorotheos of Gaza
His Letters and Various of His Sayings

Translated and Annotated by
The Most Reverend Chrysostomos
Metropolitan Emeritus of Etna

“My study of the desert Fathers, which I began more than fifty years ago, and my immersion into their writings, which I have been translating and publishing for almost four decades in both academic and devotional collections, always bring me back to the pivotal teachings and aphorisms of Abba Dorotheos. The present book is a sequel of sorts to my earlier work, Our Holy Father Dorotheos of Gaza: Various Soul-Profiting Instructions to His Disciples. The spiritual advice that he proffers in both books, which is perhaps more familiar to Orthodox Christians, coming as it does from the roots of our Church’s monastic and mystical traditions, nonetheless promises rich inner nourishment for anyone seeking the secrets and delights of the life in Christ.”
—The Translator

$11.95 — 107 pp.

Click here to order.

Our Holy Father Dorotheos of Gaza
Various Soul-Profiting
Instructions to His Disciples

Translated and Annotated by
The Most Reverend Chrysostomos
Metropolitan Emeritus of Etna

$19.95 — 298 pp.

Click here to order.

Dionysius of Fourna
Artistic Identity Through Visual Rhetoric

by Mateusz J. Ferens

The author, an Icon painter and student of the history and theory
of iconography, received his B.A. degree in Applied Design at
San Diego State Uni­versity, his Master’s degree in Art
History at the Uni­versity of California, Riverside,
and is at present a doctoral student at the
University of Wisconsin at Madison.

$14.95 + shipping and handling

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Selected Readings on Hellenistic and
Christian Learning and Thought in
the Early Greek Fathers

by the Most Reverend Chrysostomos
Bishop Auxentios, Archimandrite Patapios,
Constantine Cavarnos, and the Reverend
Gregory Telepneff

order from your
local bookstore or contact the publisher at:

$20.00 + shipping and handling

Available at Amazon,
through Ingram book distributors,
and as a Kindle book

Used with Permission of Wipf and Stock Publishers

This book argues, from a distinctly Eastern Orthodox perspective, for the inseparability of classical Hellenism from the Greek patristic tradition, postulating a common striving for truth in both domains and laying emphasis on the contributions of the ancients and Greek paideia to Christian learning and culture. The essays contained in the volume provide a fruitful strategy, in the spirit of the late Werner Jaeger, for looking anew at the Greek classical world and Christianity through the eyes of the Greek fathers, the direct inheritors of the ancient Greek worldview. Collectively, the author and contributors forcefully demonstrate that, conflated with the visionary insights of the Jewish prophets and of Jewish messianism, the wisdom of the ancients served to pave the way for the unfolding of the fullness of Christian teaching and its spiritually enlightening revelation.

“Archbishop Chrysostomos has not merely produced a simple collection of texts. If one follows them step by step, he will certainly decipher a golden thread that goes deeper into the history of the birth of Orthodox Christianity.... The subject matter is complex and difficult. Nevertheless [the book] commends itself as an easy, fruitful, erudite, and spiritual reading.”

Remus Rus,
Professor of Theology, emeritus,
University of Bucharest, Romania

“This fine book illustrates how early Christian thought synthesized Jewish revelation with Greek philosophy and literature, integrating intellectual knowledge with spiritual understanding. The articles illustrate this synthesis with a number of topics, such as the relationship between soul, body, and spirit. Metropolitan Chrysostomos’ clear Introduction encourages readers, in the current anti-Christian culture, to understand the powerful truths and insights of the early Christian writers.”

Jeffrey Burton Russell,
Professor of History, emeritus,
University of California, Santa Barbara

“This engaging collection of essays, which explores the dynamic relationship between Hellenistic thought and the writings of the Greek Fathers, opens a double window on Christianity and the classical world. What readers will find here are vistas certain to inform their understanding of the link between the wisdom of Homer and Sophocles, Plato and Aristotle, and the divine revelations of patristic tradition.”

Christopher Merrill,
author of Things of the Hidden God: Journey to the Holy Mountain
Director, International Writing Program, University of Iowa

“The publication of this new very welcome. The possibility to study in greater depth the attitudes of the early Church Fathers who wrote in the Greek language towards classical learning is very important.... May this book be a source of information, inspiration, and encouragement for many people of good will.”

Hieromonk Gorazd (Vopatrny),
Director of the Institute of Eastern Christianity,
Hussite Faculty of Theology, Charles University in Prague


The Life and Conduct
of the

Holy and Blessed Teacher

Translated and with annotations
by Monk Chrysostomos

$8.95 — 82 pp.

Click here to order.


An Arabic text of

The Life of the Holy Hierarch and
Confessor Glicherie of Romania

by Metropolitan Vlasie

Translated into Arabic
by Michael Chacra

$5.95 — 63 pp.

Click here to order.


Two Modern Greek Titans of Mind and Spirit

The Private Correspondence
of Constantine Cavarnos
and Photios Kontoglou

Translated, Annotated, and Edited by Archimandrite Pata­pios with Met­ro­pol­itan Chry­sos­to­mos of Etna and Monk Chrysostomos

$18.95 — 245 pp.

Click here to order.

The Orthodox Church and Eschatological Frenzy

The Recent Pro­lif­era­tion of “Anti­chris­tol­ogy” and Its Per­il­ous Side-Effects; Pro­po­sals for Cur­ing the Eschat­ologi­cal Fear of Marks (Seals) and Numbers

by Bishop Cyprian of Oreoi
[Metropolitan Cyprian of
Oropos and Phyle]

$9.95 — 139 pp.

Click here to order.

A Greek Orthodox Nun in Buckingham Palace
Mother Superior Alice-Elizabeth
Princess of Battenberg and Mother-in-
Law of Queen Elizabeth II

Written in the author's eloquent and enjoyable style, this short book captures the
life, spirit, and activities of one of Eastern Orthodoxy’s most interesting royal monastics. It is
adorned with fascinating photographs and is handsomely printed and bound.

by Archbishop Chrysostomos

$5.95 — 75 pp.

Click here to order.

We are pleased to publish under the imprint of the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies the four volumes of Archbishop Chrysostomos’ classic series, Themes in Orthodox Patristic Psychology, published by various presses between 1983 and 1990. The texts have been updated, edited, and handsomely printed in this single volume.

Earlier assessments of the constituent volumes in this collection:

“Archimandrite Chrysostomos, a psychologist trained in the West, reminds us of a different tradition of thought which finds unities where most of us find dichotomies. He demonstrates how, within the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church, these dichotomies are connected—how acceptance of Orthodox belief arises from the unity of an Orthodox way of thinking and way of living. To see this argument in all its strength and to understand how humility arises from this unity, one must read with care and with a mind free of western psychological preoccupations this challenging and provocative volume.”

John M. Darley,
Dorman R. Warren Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs,
Princeton University, and former President of the American
Psychological Association (on the book Humility)

“All who meet Father Chrysostomos must be impressed with his deep spirituality and broadmindedness, which are indeed reflected in this book. Generally, he lays great stress on tradition and moderation, both dominant traits of Orthodoxy.”

Mother Alexandra (Princess Ileana of Romania),
Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration (on the same book)

“I met my friend Archimandrite Chrysostomos when I arrived at Harvard. Since then, we have exchanged ideas about our shared wonder of the desert Fathers. In the brilliance and beauty of his scholarship and the book he is preparing on the virtue of obedience from a psychological view he gives them a clarity which will touch and transform the hearts of many.”

Henri Nouwen, S.J.,
Harvard Divinity School (on the book Obedience)

“As I have written elsewhere, Bishop Chrysostomos is one of the most significant Orthodox scholars to appear in America in recent years. This view was shared by the famous Russian Orthodox theologian Father Georges Florovsky, who characterized the Bishop's writings as ‘important contributions to the body of Orthodox literature.’ The book Repentance, a third volume in the series Orthodox Patristic Psychology, confirms these positive evaluations. The essays on repentance contained in this book, written by the author and one other Orthodox thinker, are accompanied by Greek Patristic texts on the subject. A masterful translator, Bishop Chrysostomos excellently renders these texts in clear and understandable English.”

Constantine, Cavarnos,
President, Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies
(on the book Repentance)

“Bishop Chrysostomos, working with Father James Thornton, has produced an outstanding study on the subject of love, the fourth and last volume of Themes in Orthodox Patristic Psychology. His Grace is a Princeton-educated scholar who brings to this and the previous volumes in his series extensive learning and a remarkable amount of reading in science, psychology, Byzantine history, and Orthodox Patristic studies. The extent of his Renaissance education and his professorial skills are evident in every page of this latest volume. ...Bishop Chrysostomos's skillfully translated apophthegms from the monks of the Egyptian desert complement the wisdom that he and Father Thornton show in their discussion of the theological and spiritual significance of love in the Orthodox tradition.”

John E. Rexine,
Charles A. Dana Professor of Classics and
Dean of the Division of Humanities,
Colgate University (on the book Love)

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