> Index of Titles
Abba Dorotheos of Gaza: His Letters and Various of His Sayings
Ἀλήθεια Ἑλληνική: The Authority of the Greek Old Testament
The Amazing Resurrection from Death of a Former Drug Addict
The Balamand Union: A Victory of Vatican Diplomacy
Beyond Wealth: Orthodoxy, Capitalism, and the Gospel of Wealth
Biological Evolutionism
A Brief History of the Russian Orthodox Church
Christian Education: A Response to the Crisis in Public Schools
Christological Methods and Their Influence on Alexandrian and Antiochian Eucharistic Theology
The Church of Patristic Tradition: A Response to the Orthodox Christian Information Center Website
The Church, Tradition, Scripture, Truth, and Christian Life: Some Heresies of Evangelicalism and an Orthodox Response
The Cœnobitic Life as an Image of the Life of the Holy Trinity
A Comparative Synopsis of the Lives of Saint John Chrysostomos and Saint Gregory Palamas
The Concealment of Sins During Confession is a Deadly Sin: A Most Instructive Miracle of the All-Holy Mother of God
Concerning the Relics of Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra
Constantine the Ethnomartyr: Last Emperor of Byzantium
Contemporary Traditionalist Orthodox Thought
Contemporary Traditionalist Orthodox Thought: A Second Volume
The Contribution of the Orthodox Ecumenists to the Interfaith Venture and Their Responsibility for It
Contributions to a Theology of
The Counsels of a Contemporary Amma: What Matushka Seraphima Taught Us
Delight in the Law of God: Sermons on the Beatitudes and the Commandments of God
Dionysius of Fourna: Artistic Identity Through Visual Rhetoric
The Dog Delusion and Other Essays: Confronting Science and Contemporary Scholarship in a Traditionalist Context
Do You Have a Ticket?
The Dramatic Crisis in the Ecumenical Movement and the Awakening of Orthodox
Ecumenism: A Movement for Union or a Syncretistic Heresy?
The Egyptian Desert in the Irish Bogs: The Byzantine Character of Early Celtic Monasticism
Elder Jonah of Kiev: A Brief Account of His Life and Struggles (
Eldress Myrtidiotissa: The Ascetic Struggler of Klissoura
The Epistle Lectionary: The
of the Greek Orthodox Church According to the King James Version
The Evergetinos: A Complete Text
Exposition of the Holy Gospel According to Saint Luke, with Fragments on the Prophecy of Esaias
Fasting and Science
Fasting in the Orthodox Church: Its Theological, Pastoral, and Social Implications
Father General Thyrsus González de Santalla, S.J.: Theologian, Philosopher, and Superior General of the Society of Jesus
Father Georges Florovsky on Ecumenism
Flowers from the Desert: Sayings on Humility, Obedience, Repentance, and Love from the Christian Hermits of Ancient Times
Fools for Christ: Saintly Paradigms of Ascetic Piety
Four Essays on Ecclesiastical Subjects
Four Essays on Orthodox Liturgical Issues: A Collection of Liturgical Commentaries Written from a Traditionalist Orthodox Perspective
Four Festal Icons: The Theological Meaning of the Icons of the Annunciation, the Nativity of Christ, Theophany, and the Transfiguration
Further Words on Obedience
The Future Life According to Orthodox Teaching
The Gospel Lectionary: The
of the Greek Orthodox Church According to the King James Version
A Greek Orthodox Nun in Buckingham Palace: Mother Superior Alice-Elizabeth, Princess of Battenberg and Mother-in-Law of Queen Elizabeth II
A Guide to Orthodox Life: Some Beliefs, Customs, and Traditions of the Church
The Heresy of Ecumenism and the Patristic Stand of the Orthodox
Homilies on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel
Hunger for Holiness
The Immoderate and Self-Absorbed Anti-Old Calendarist Zeal of the Innovative New Calendarists: A Brief Critique of Five Unfortunate Texts by Father G. Kalpouzos, Father B. Bakogiannis, D. Kokores, A. Korakides, and the Christian League of Kalamata
Inner-Worldly Monasticism: Towards a Model of Rabbinic–Halakhic Spirituality
The Life and Conduct of Our Father Among the Saints, Saint John the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco
The Life and Conduct of the Holy and Blessed Teacher Synkletike
The Life of the Holy Hierarch and Confessor Glicherie of Romania
The Life of the Holy Hierarch and Confessor Glicherie of Romania (in Arabic)
Made Perfect in Faith: Sermons on the Lives and Works of Fifty Holy Church Fathers
Made Perfect in Faith: A Second Volume: More Sermons on the Lives and Works of the Holy Church Fathers
A Manual for Cœnobitic Monastics: A Synopsis of the Most Basic Pursuits of a Monastic in Obedience
Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo: Spanish Basque Genius, Educator, Writer, and Philosopher
Miss Emily’s Fire: The Orthodox Elements in Emily Dickinson’s Spirituality and Mysticism
The Monastic Life: A Most Beneficial Dialogue Between an Orthodox Monk and a Contemporary Theologian
The Non-Chalcedonian Heretics: A Contribution to the Dialogue Concerning the “Orthodoxy” of the Non-Chalcedonians
The Œcumenical Patriarchate and the Question of Greek-Turkish Relations Through the Centuries
The Œcumenical Synods of the Orthodox Church: A Concise History
Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy: Sermons on the Lives and Works of the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Old Testament
The Old Calendarists and the Rise of Religious Conservatism in Greece
On Abraham
On the Church of Christ in the Light of the Orthodox Faith: Outside Communion With the Heavenly Church, There Is No Church of Christ
Orthodox and Roman Catholic Relations from the Fourth Crusade to the Hesychastic Controversy
The Orthodox Christian and the Boundaries of Contemporary Medical Technology
Orthodox Christianity and the Spirit of Contemporary Ecumenism
The Orthodox Church and Eschatological Frenzy: The Recent Proliferation of “Antichristology” and Its Perilous Side-Effects; Proposals for Curing the Eschatological Fear of Marks (Seals) and Numbers
The Orthodox Church
The Orthodox Way
Reviewed: A Traditionalist Critique of Two Popular Introductions to Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Orthodox Insights, Volume I: A Collection of Short Questions and Answers on Liturgical Practice and Orthodox Worship
Orthodox Insights, Volume II: A Collection of Short Questions and Answers on Orthodox Theological Pastoral, and Ecclesiastical Concerns
Orthodox Tradition and Modernism
Orthodoxy and Psychology: A Collection of Reflections on Orthodox Theological and Pastoral Issues from a Psychological Perspective
Orthodoxy and the Ecumenical Movement
Our Holy Father Dorotheos of Gaza: Various Soul-Profiting Instructions to His Disciples
The Panheresy of Ecumenism
The Paschal Fire in Jerusalem: A Study of the Rite of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Paths and Means to Holiness
Patriarch Gregory
the Ethnomartyr
Pitirim Sorokin: Prophet of Spiritual Renewal
Protestant Fundamentalistic Thought: Its Incompatibility with the Orthodox Ethos and its Deviation from the Founding Principles of American Culture
The Psalter of the Prophet and King David with the Nine Biblical Odes
The Question of Union: A Forthright Discussion of the Possibility of Union of the Eastern Orthodox Church and Roman Catholicism
Quickened with Christ: Sermons on the Sunday Epistle Readings of the Orthodox Liturgical Year
Resistance or Exclusion?: The Alternative Ecclesiological Approaches of Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Florina and Bishop Matthew of Vresthene
Resisting Unto Blood: Sixty-Five Years of Persecution of the True (Old Calendar) Orthodox Church of Romania (October 1924–December 1989)
The Road to Apostasy: Significant Essays on Ecumenism
Romanian Nationalism During the Reign of King Mihai I
The Roman West and the Byzantine East
Sacred Space
Saint Mark of Ephesus
Saint Seraphim of Sofia: His Life, Teachings, Miracles, and Glorification
Saint Seraphim of Sofia and the Moscow Patriarchate
Saints of England’s Golden Age: A Collection of the Lives of Holy Men and Women Who Flourished in Orthodox Christian Britain
“Schism” or “Walling-Off”?: The Calendar Question and the Heresy of Ecumenism
Science and Orthodox Christianity: Two Orthodox Psychologists Offer Their Views
Scripture and Tradition
The Shroud of Turin: An Eastern Orthodox Perspective
Seek Ye First the Kingdom: Sermons on the Sunday Gospel Readings of the Orthodox Liturgical Year and Five Festal Sermons
The Significance of the New Martyrs in the Life of the Orthodox Church
“Signs of Human Feeling and Attitude”: The American Legation and American Jews in Romania in 1941
Small Compline with the Salutations to the
Smoking and the Orthodox Christian
Spiritual Beauty
Spiritual Life
A Study of the Ecclesiology of Resistance: The Writings of Metropolitans Cyprian of Oropos and Fili, Chrysostomos of Florina, and Cyril of Kazan
The Synaxis of the Three New Great Hierarchs: A Panegyric, Service, and Akathist in Honor of Saints Photios the Great, Gregory Palamas, and Mark of Ephesus
Τέσσαρα Κείμενα ἐπὶ Ἐκκλησιαστικῶν Θεμάτων
Themes in Orthodox Patristic Psychology: Humility, Obedience, Repentance, and Love
Two Homilies on Great Friday and Pascha
Two Modern Greek Titans of Mind and Spirit: The Private Correspondence of Constantine Cavarnos and Photios Kontoglou (1952–1965)
Wealth and Poverty in the Teachings of the Church Fathers
Words on Obedience
Young Children in the Orthodox Church: Some Basic Guidelines
> Index of Titles
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