Seek Ye First the Kingdom
Sermons on the Sunday Gospel Readings of the Orthodox Liturgical Year and Five Festal Sermons

by Protopresbyter James Thornton

ISBN 978–1–938943–10–2
348 pp.
Of all the portions of the Holy Bible, the Gospels are the very heart, since they record the Incarnation of Christ God, His life and mission on earth, His death on the Cross, His Resurrection from the dead, His founding the Church, and His Ascension to Heaven. They contain the actual words spoken by Him. This collection of sermons brings these words to a modern audience in an accessible, reverent, and uplifting style that will appeal to all readers.
About the Author
The Very Reverend Dr. James Thornton holds the Diploma and Licentiate in Orthodox Theological Studies from the Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies, where he is a Research Associate, and a Doctorate in Advanced Pastoral Studies from the San Francisco Theological Seminary. In retirement from many decades of pastoral service in the Old Calendar Orthodox Church of Greece and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, he is also a Lecturer at the St. Photios Orthodox Theological Seminary. The father of two sons, Father James and his wife, Presbytera Elizabeth, live in Southern California.